KOAS conductive polymer solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors-KS series

2020-05-20 22:32:35 admin 671

 Solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors. The biggest difference between it and ordinary capacitors (ie, liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitors) is that it uses different dielectric materials. The dielectric material of liquid aluminum capacitors is electrolyte, while the dielectric material of solid capacitors is conductive polymer. Since the solid capacitor uses conductive polymer products as the dielectric material, the material will not interact with alumina and will not explode after being energized. At the same time, it is a solid product, so naturally there is no explosion caused by thermal expansion. Situation. Solid capacitors have excellent characteristics such as environmental protection, low impedance, high and low temperature stability, high ripple resistance and high reliability, and are the highest-end products among current electrolytic capacitor products.

 In this issue,  KOSHIN CO,LTD introduces KOAS a lead type, high ripple resistance, low ESR, high reliability-KS series. It is widely used in power switch modules.


